Al-Ameen Educational Society organized a guest talk on “Innovative Teaching Methodology” by a Prominent Speaker Dr. QAZI S. AZHER, Associate Clinical Professor at Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan, US.The Program was presided by Mr. Iqbal Ahmed Baig, Hon. Treasurer of Al-Ameen Educational Society. Dr. Md Yousuf Aslam was the Guest of Honour along with the…
Al-Ameen PU College, Bangalore celebrated Farewell Fiesta – 2022, a farewell to out going students of PUC. Mr. Umar Ismail Khan, Hon’ble Chairman of Al-Ameen Educational Society presided over the program. Mr. Ahmed Shariff Siraj, Vice-Chairman and Mr. Zubair Anwar, Hon. Secretary were the Guests of Honour. On this occasion, Mr. Zubair Anwar, addressed the…
Hon’ble Chairman of Al-Ameen Educational Society, Mr. Umar Ismail Khan was seen with Principal, Prof. Nawab Pasha, Staff and Students of Al-Ameen PU College on Blue day of its spectrum week – 2022
Al-Ameen Group of Institutions celebrated 75th Independence Day on 15th August 2021 at Bangalore Campus B. Mr. Umar Ismail Khan, Hon’ble Chairman was the Chief Guest of the Program presided by Al-Ameen Ratna Dr. Subhan Shariff, Hon. Secretary, Al-Ameen Educational Society. Mr. Zubair Anwar, Vice-Chairman, AES, Janab Shakirulla Rashadi, Imam-o-Khatib & K Nisar Ahmed, Vice-President…
The 2nd PUC Annual Examination of English Subject scheduled to be held tomorrow 23rd March 2020 is postponed. Most probably the said examination will be rescheduled to a date after 1st April 2020. STAY HOME. STAY SAFE!
Al-Ameen Educational Society Celebrated International Women’s Day on 9th March 2020. Prof. Godamani K N, Academic Council Member, Bangalore Central Univeristy and Dr. Sudha Kamath, Plastic Surgeon, Vice President, All INdia Mahila Samskruthika Sanghatane(“AIMSS”) were the Guest of Honour. Al-Ameen Ratna Dr. Subhan Shariff, Hon. Secretary, Al-Ameen Educational Society Presided over the program and felicitated…
One Day National Seminar was conducted by Al-Ameen College of Law, Bangalore on 27th February 2020, on the topic “Adaptability of Indian Constitution in Changing Dimensions”. The Seminar was inaugurated by Chief Guest Hon’ble Mr. Justice Venkate Gopala Gowda, Former Judge, Supreme Court of India & Former Chief Justice of Odisha High court and Guest…
Read More “National Seminar at Al-Amen Law College, Bangalore.” »
Al-Ameen Group of Institutions Celebrated 71st Republic Day today. Al-Ameen Ratna Dr. Subhan Shariff Hoisted the flag on this occasion. Dr. B M Zakir, Assistant Secretary and Principal of Al-Ameen Arts, Science and Commerce College, Dr. Waseem Khan, Principal, Al-Ameen College of Law, Prof. Nawab Pasha, Principal, Al-Ameen PU College, Dr. Mohammed Ataz, Administrator, Al-Ameen…
Indo-Tibetian Border Police (ITBP) entrance exam for Drivers Recruitment was conducted in Al-Ameen Arts, Science and Commerce College on 19 January 2020. Below are some of its glimpses.