One Day National Seminar was conducted by Al-Ameen College of Law, Bangalore on 27th February 2020, on the topic “Adaptability of Indian Constitution in Changing Dimensions”.

The Seminar was inaugurated by Chief Guest Hon’ble Mr. Justice Venkate Gopala Gowda, Former Judge, Supreme Court of India & Former Chief Justice of Odisha High court and Guest of Honour , Prof (Dr).P.IshwaraBhat, Vice-Chancellor, Karnataka State Law University, Huballi, Mr. Iqbal Ahmed Baig, Hon. Treasurer, Dr. B.M.Zakir, Asst Secretary, Al-Ameen Educational society, Bangalore . The programme was presided by Al-Ameen Ratna Dr. Subhan Shariff, Hon. Secretary, Al-Ameen Educational society, Bangalore.
About 100 Participants all over the country had participated and presenter paper on different themes and sub-themes related to topic of the seminar.
Eminent academician were invited as Resource Person to the National seminar.
Dr.T.R.Subramanya, (Dean CMR School of Legal Studies & former Vice Chancellor Karnataka State Law University), was the Chief Guest for the valedictory programme, Dr. Jagdeesh, Principal, National College of Law, Shivmogga, Mr. Umar Ismail Khan, Joint Secretary, Dr. B.M.Zakir, Asst Secretary, Al-Ameen Educational Society, Bangalore were Guest of Honour and Al-Ameen Ratna Dr. Subhan Sharif, presided the event.